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Visitámos Marvão em Novembro aquando da XXXI Festa da Castanha, dia em que os Marvanenses celebram um dos produtos mais importantes da sua terra, a castanha.Esquecida no passado, tendo mesmo sido substituída por outros produtos como a farinha e a batata, a Câmara Municipal de Marvão tem vindo a incentivar o restabelecimento da castanha nos hábitos locais. Esta Festa anual é um dos esforços nesse sentido.
À nossa chegada matutina, o cheiro a castanha assada misturava-se já ao forte nevoeiro que cobria a vila. A multidão de visitantes que depressa foi chegando encontrava espalhadas pelas ruas bancas com produtos hortícolas, frutos secos, enchidos, queijos, vinhos, licores, azeite, compotas e, claro, tudo o que se possa imaginar feito de castanha, sem esquecer as quentes e boas castanhas assadas. Isto tudo com muita animação à mistura: música, palhaços, ranchos folclóricos, etc.
O nosso especial interesse, apesar de tudo, recaía em alguns estabelecimentos da vila com a marca certificada Pastel de Castanha, que permite identificar os fabricantes deste doce. Fomos lá prová-los…
We visited Marvão in past November for its 31st Festival of the Chestnut, the date in which locals celebrate one of their most important goods, the chestnut. Because it had been left almost forgotten in the past and substituted by other goods such as flour and the potato, the Municipality of Marvão has been promoting the reintroduction of the chestnut in local habits. This Festival has been an effort towards that goal.
Our early arrival at Marvão was greeted by the aroma of roasted chestnuts blended in the heavy fog enveloping the town. The rapidly growing crowd of visitors could already find throughout the streets a multitude of stands with fresh produce, various kinds of nuts, sausages, cheeses, wines and spirits, olive oil, jams, and, of course, everything one can imagine that could be cooked with chestnuts, not to mention the roasted chestnuts as they are familiar to all. All of this surrounded by lots of entertainment: music, streets performers, traditional folk groups, etc.
Our particular interest, however, stood on some establishments in town bearing the certificate for the Chestnut Tartlet, which allows for the identification of its confectioners. We went there to have a taste…


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