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Paula Barreira conta que a sua avó Lurdes e as amigas desta juntavam-se muitas vezes e nessas alturas Paula aprendia a cozinhar com elas. Hoje tem um grande arquivo de receitas daquelas senhoras, que gostava de publicar em livro. Uma delas é a receita para as Delícias do Convento. Tivemos o prazer de observar os manuscritos destas receitas e de provar os doces.
Paula Barreira says that her grandmother Lurdes and friends used to meet up very often and, on those occasions, Paula learned to cook with them. Today, she has a large archive of recipes from those women, which she’d like to publish as a book. One of such recipes is the Delícias do Convento. We had the pleasure of perusing the manuscripts of those recipes and we got the chance to have some of the sweets.


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