No Ponto


Fomos a Ferreira do Zêzere em dia de festa. As ruas e a praça central encheram-se de gente e, por momentos, pensámos ter recuado ao Portugal dos anos 30. Mas não foi a curiosidade dos trajes que nos levou lá, foi a VII.ª Amostra da Tigelada. Em qualquer banca da feira e estabelecimento da Vila ostentavam-se suculentas tigeladas que trazem no sabor a vontade de voltar todos os anos.
We went to Ferreira do Zêzere to participate in the local festivities. The streets and the main square were packed with people and, for a moment, we thought we had traveled back in time to the Portugal of the 1930s. But it was not curiosity about costumes that took us there, it was the 7th Showcase of the Tigelada. In every stand and town establishment succulent tigeladas were on display, and their wonderful taste certainly makes you want to come back every year.


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